How To Escape Wage Slavery (Step‑By‑Step)

⚠️ The only way you can fail this is by skipping steps and unfortunately 90% of you will do just that… so sad… 😞

For the rest of the 10%, welcome aboard, this is going to be good 🎉

Basic Facts

❗️Wage slavery is here by design and cannot be escaped by accident.

❗️Staying free is much easier than becoming free.

❗️This plan does not work for all people (at once) but it does work for all people (individually).

  • The current system runs on slave work and would collapse before the majority of people would become free.
  • But if all people just woke up to the reality they are slaves, it would be fairly easy to build a new (free) system.
  • Unfortunately, a lot of people are misled by propaganda, PLUS, they have no time or energy to do the research after they come back home dead tired from their 9-5 wage slave job.
  • The good news is: your (individual) freedom does not depend on the number of people who can see the problem

Basic Plan

You will need to do something outside of your 9-5 in order to escape 9-5. But the biggest problem is you barely have any energy. Especially after coming home from your wage slave job.

And this is by design. That is why 9-5 is a vicious trap. That is why I call it wage slavery because you can’t really escape unless you have the proper info. (and most people don’t)

So the basic plan outline is to…

  • show you how to easily get more energy (no worries, I’m not talking about going to gym, or hard exercise, or ingesting more poison like coffee or energy drinks)
  • then, I’ll show you how to find a perfect fit between you (specifically) and your side income
  • and lastly, I’ll explain how to set everything up (technical implementation)

With that you will have everything you could possibly need to escape wage slavery.

Step One: Flow = Life

This is the step I mentioned at the beginning that 90% of you will skip (and ultimately fail). Even though it is completely free, simple, easy, and takes almost no time.

There is something absolutely magical about movement and flow. I cannot explain why it happens, but I can show and prove that it does happen.

Even in nature, the water that flows (streams, rivers, etc.) is usually safe to drink, but still water always has some nasty deposits on the top and bottom.

And the same is with your body, especially when you eat your average modern diet filled with all kinds of garbage chemicals. Everything gets deposited in your body like a poisonous chemical mud.

So you need movement to help get this crap out of your system.

⚠️ NOTE: I am not talking about regular exercising! The last thing you need after a long day at work is to spend the last bit of energy on exercising and then fall asleep.

⚠️ Plus, you need all the extra time & energy you can get.

To show you what I mean, do this “flow exercise” now:

  • get up
  • do 3 squats
  • do arm circles (5 in each direction)
  • do side stretches
  • sit down

How do you feel?

Better, right?

Not tired, but energized.

Blood flowing again, right?

And it took you whole 30 seconds to do it.

Now imagine doing this throughout the day whenever it crosses your mind (like once per hour or whatever).

ℹ️ Pro Tip: if you don’t want to look weird in front of your coworkers just go to the restroom and do those squats where no one can see you.

Now that you increased your energy externally, you can amplify it even further internally…

Step Two: Internal Fuel

Every scientific study in existence is showing that the majority of people are nutrient deficient.

And chronic nutrient deficiency is affecting every part of your body. Especially energy levels and thinking ability (sometimes leading to constant brain fog).

⚠️ While in the process of escaping, you need these two things (energy and thinking) more than anything else in the world.

Before we even formed our first civilization there was one superfood that got us here and kept us healthy (and according to science is one of the leading reasons we developed such a huge brain).


What was it? >> Bone marrow.

Since I don’t find the thought of chewing bone marrow very appealing, I assumed you won’t either 😅

So I’m sticking with our progress in science & technology and just taking bone broth supplement.


Another thing we did before the dawn of civilization, was being outside almost ALL of the time.

Getting sun exposure and enough vitamin D was never even remotely an issue.

But your wage slave job keeps you mostly inside and now literally everyone is vitamin D deficient. (and your only choice is to get it through supplements or not at all)


The last thing is something you have in excess – toxins.

Nobody’s diet is perfect. Sometimes I indulge in some crappy (but very tasty food) and that’s just part of life.

However, not taking care of your mind and your energy levels after such tasty treat is not just “part of life”. It’s laziness. And it will cost you your freedom and you’ll likely stay a wage slave forever.

So instead, I use a detox solution that covers an entire body (with special focus on the liver).


If you’ve followed all the steps so far, now you have the raw materials (energy and focus) with which we can start building your future and your freedom.

Step Three: Choosing An Independent Income

You may not believe this (except in retrospect), but the most difficult part is behind us 🎉

I’m intentionally calling this “independent income” as I don’t want to call it “side business” or “side hustle” because you’re not really building a business here.

⚠️ You’re just building a small, time-independent, revenue stream that can generate for you about $5k per month without having to work 9-5 to get it.

And that’s it.

How To Get Independent Income?

“In this life you either sell your time (i.e. you’re renting yourself as a part-time slave), or you’re selling products. And personally, I choose products.”
— Abi Dan

Take a pen and paper and write down the last 10 products you purchased online. (excluding the food you ordered)

It is safe to assume you purchased products related to something you care about. And even more importantly, something you know a lot about. (this will come in handy later)

Maybe your list contains some (or none) of the following:
(btw., this is just an example > the real gold mine will be found in YOUR list)

  • smartwatch
  • keyboard
  • basketball
  • drawing set
  • guitar
  • compass
  • keychain
  • wallpaper
  • ring
  • whatever…

Now, you can pick whatever you want from your list… let’s say a guitar.

And that’s it.

You have a real product with a real market demand.

Where Do You Get The Product?

You don’t.

Instead you just point people to the product and get paid for it. And that’s literally it.

You point them to the product you already like, you already purchased, and you already use yourself.

This makes your task pretty straightforward because you already believe this is a good product. Otherwise, you wouldn’t buy it yourself.

So basically, you’re making money by helping strangers find the things they already need and will improve their lives. (just like it did yours)

And to drive this point home (like no one has ever driven it before)… do you remember when I shared what supplements I personally use? Like vitamin D and others?

⚠️ That was also a referral link. And if you purchased this vitamin D, you got to feel better and more energized (just like I did when I started taking it). So now, you got better health, I got paid, and we both won at the same time!!

And that’s the most frustrating thing about wage slavery – referrals and other forms of earning a living are so much easier, take less time, and are more helpful to humanity, but most people never find the key info they need to escape.

Step Four: Setting All Up

To set everything up, you need 3 things:

  • social media
  • website
  • referral link

As I mentioned before – I walk the talk, I do what I preach -> you found me on social media, you read more on this website, and some of you clicked on some of my referral links.

social > website > referral link > product

You got helped – and I got paid.

Win 🤝 Win

1) Social Media

Depending on the product, one type of social media might be more appropriate than others.

I don’t know what is the best match for each product but I know someone who does.


Since you bought the product, it was sold to you on social media platform you use.

Now all you have to do is either open a new account or continue using your existing one with minor adjustments. For example, pasting your website link to your bio/description.

2) Referral Link

Ok, how do you get these magic “money links”?

It’s quite simple actually.

To continue with the guitar example I mentioned earlier, type into search engine “guitar affiliate program”.

You will get more search results than you could possibly ever need.

In fact, some results are sponsored which means companies are paying money to show themselves in front of you. 🤯 They’re basically begging you to choose them and start referring their guitars.

The only “catch” is they usually require you to have your own website and business email address. (this means no @gmail.com allowed)

3) Website

Setting up a website is pretty straightforward. It actually reminds me of baking… the only way you can f-it-up is by not following the recipe.

⚠️ For this step you literally need to shut of your brain and just follow the instructions.

Also, I’m not going to write out entire tutorials, just search them online and you’ll find plethora (and they’re all good).

Key info you’re missing is what to search in the first place.

Here’s a short overview of what you’ll need to do:

  • buy a domain name
  • buy hosting solution
  • connect the two
  • one-click install WordPress
  • write some content for your website
  • done

So let’s start…

1️⃣ Domain Name (URL)

You can buy a domain name on NameCheap (I use them for more than a decade and had zero issues)

It costs about $12 per year.

If you don’t know how to do it, just search online “how to buy a domain name on namecheap” and follow instructions.

The same goes for every step I’ll describe here.

2️⃣ Hosting Solution

Every website is just a program/application that runs on some computer somewhere. That computer is called a server/host.

The best value for money I managed to find anywhere is DreamHost (also using them for years, no issues)

The beauty of this hosting provider is the ability to host as many websites you need without any additional costs (just checked, I currently have 26, and still paying the same on Unlimited Plan -> this is the one you need)

First year is $60 and later you pay $150 yearly

Remember, this is for 12 months and for whatever number of websites you need. That turns out to be $12.5 per month and in my case with 26 websites it turns out to be 48 cents per website per month. Basically free.

3️⃣ Connect Domain To Server

Just search online “how to connect domain from namecheap to dreamhost”.

You should find plenty of step by step tutorials.

Basically you’ll need to paste 3 strings into 3 input fields (DNS) and you’re done. They look something like this:

  • ns1.dreamhost.com
  • ns2.dreamhost.com
  • ns3.dreamhost.com

4️⃣ Create Website & Install WordPress (on DreamHost)

You guessed it, just search online and you’ll find thousands of tutorials on how to set it up on DreamHost. Just pick the first one and you’ll be fine.

After you have your website you’re done with the technical part. Then you just type some content into it and that’s it.

5️⃣ Free Business Email

I already mentioned you usually need a business email to sign up for affiliate program (to get referral links). Fortunately, DreamHost lets you add business email addresses for free. (on Unlimited Plan)

By default it has a webmail interface that let’s you access your emails through the browser but that’s not very practical.

Instead I just connect it with my Gmail account and then on Gmail whenever you want to send a new email you get additional dropdown that let’s you choose which email address you want to choose. (@gmail or @yourbusiness.com)

I admit, the tutorial for this is not easy to find so I’m providing it for you on this link.


After you have this set up you will have a platform for success. All you have to do is engage on social media related to the industry you’re already in.

In our example with the guitar, the person who bought it:

  • already knows a lot about music
  • already watches and comments on things related to music
  • already has some engagement and people visiting their profile

The only difference is, now they have a website people can visit. From there, every click on the products that results in a purchase, brings additional revenue to the site owner. (i.e. you)

More Opportunities

Like in my example with 26 websites, the opportunities don’t stop with the guitar. This person can refer/link to other things related to music from that “music website”.

Or they can create an additional website in some other area of interest. For example, let’s say they’re also into hiking.

Then they can create a second website. This one will be more about outdoor living. And the products they will list on that website may include:

  • boots
  • tents
  • fire starters
  • jackets
  • etc.

The possibilities are endless.

⚠️ And the best part is: once you create a website, it works 24/7 for you forever. Unlike a wage slave job where you start from zero every day. Here your efforts accumulate and compound.