AbiDanBlog.com website contains affiliate links. This means when you purchase something after clicking on the links you find on this website – I will get paid (for example, by Amazon and others).
This in no way increases the price of your item. It’s just a way for sellers to say thank you for bringing in a new customer.
Also, the fact I’m getting paid doesn’t influence my decision to list the products on this site.
For example, Amazon has every product imaginable and pays out commissions on all of them. So, there is no monetary incentive to prefer (or try to push) one product over the other.
I just provide links to whatever I personally feel is the best match (and most related) to the content I provide to you (the reader).
Why do I do affiliate?
It is a win-win scenario for both you and myself:
– you get high-quality information
– I get a small fraction of the item price (in case you buy)
– if you don’t buy anything, you still get high-quality information for free
– and most importantly, no annoying pop-up ads 🙂
You may notice this website is very clean, without any popups, without a bunch of ads, and because of that:
– it loads quickly
– provides a seamless reading experience
– is not annoying or distracting
And all of this is possible because of content monetization through affiliate links.
Because as much as I personally enjoy building and growing this site, we all have our bills to pay. This means there are only 3 choices any website really has when it comes to monetization:
– ask readers to pay for the content (not really realistic)
– put up ads on the site (annoying)
– affiliate links (most organic and natural way)
I hope this clarifies the situation regarding affiliate links. If you have any questions, you can reach me at the email address listed below: